Tuesday, December 6, 2016


  • [UPDATED with "silver bullets" at 11:04 A.M. 12.6.16]

A careful pondering upon Jill Stein's Federal Court law suit filing last night revealed the truly devious hand of the brilliant legal scheming puppet master pulling her strings from behind the scenes in Pennsylvania.

Look at page 7, paragraphs 37-39, wherein the devious plot is revealed:

37. That petition by three voters in a district can only activate a recount in that 

38. Pennsylvania has 9,158 election districts in 67 counties.

39. In order for voters to request a statewide recount in Pennsylvania, 27,474 voters  evenly spread throughout 9,158 districts must sign petitions, get them notarized, and bring them to their local county board of elections.

Briefly now - extensively later - I will explain the mega devious December Surprise awaiting the USA any minute now:

The 9158 "voting districts" are referred to in the Election Code as "election districts", but there are also 18 "Congressional Districts" specifically mentioned in the Code, the votes from which must be certified separately by the Secretary of the Commonwealth.

Either Stein's attorneys, or the federal court on its own observance will point out that 1404(e) states:

(e) Provision for Recount or Recanvass of Vote.--Whenever it shall appear that there is a discrepancy in the returns of any election district, or, upon petition of three voters of any district, verified by affidavit, that an error, although not apparent on the face of the returns, has been committed therein - See more at: http://codes.findlaw.com/pa/title-25-ps-elections-electoral-districts/pa-st-sect-25-3154.html#sthash.OSUIvaRB.dpuf

Then the argument will be made that the Pennsylvania Election Code specfically states that the term "election district" refers to precinct level voting districts, and that recounts due to discrepancies noticed by election officials mentioned in 1404(e) take place in the precinct level "voting districts", as Stein's federal filing refers to them, but that the voter-initiated recount/recanvass petitions are submitted from "any district".

Then it will be held that "any district" is a different term than "electoral district", and that the Pennsylvania General Assembly refers to "Congressional Districts" in using "any district".

The court will observe that voter-initiated recounts were never supposed to be so cumbersome as plead by Stein, and that the Electoral Code grants a full Congressional District wide recount/recanvass to successful voter-petitioners pleading under 1404(e).

And the point is that Jill Stein's petitioners probably did file in every Congressional District but not every precinct.

Why is this important? Because the Pennsylvania Election Code at 1404(e) states that if a single recount petition by three voters is granted, the recount "shall" take place throughout the entire district. It does not use the term "election district".

Some of Jill Stein's petitioners were granted a recount or recanvass, but only in their little precinct, when - it will be argued and held - that the whole Congressional District should have been included in the recount/recanvass.

Jill Stein's attorneys and/or the court will argue that the recount/recanvass was done wrong, and they will make an Equal Protection issue out of it giving the Federal Court jurisdiction to remand the matter to Pennsylvania ordering recount/recanvass statewide in every Congressional District where a petition was granted.

This is your December surprise, America.

They got the Congressional District vs Election District filing issue wrong, the court will hold, and the poor voter-petitioners will get a full Congressional District wide recount/recanvass in all Congressional Districts where successful petitions were brought.

This sneak attack was planned well in advance to creat havoc and steal this election. Every stage of the plan is ends exactly as stated herein.

You won't find mention of it in Jill Stein's filing. I just read them well. I speak their language fluently. You must assume the federal judiciary will rule exactly as I have predicted. You read it here first.

And your loyal servant here at Jander Research has already got the antidotes. There are three silver bullets, but we only need prove one. Two silver bullets are discussed in one of my legal briefings here; false affidavits and failure to allege "an error".

The third silver bullet pertains to the deadline to file an initial recount/recanvass petition - which Stein's federal complaint alleges is too difficult to decypher.

No, it's not difficult at all. The key to decyphering it is in 1404(f):

(1) Except as set forth in subsection (h), the secretary shall order a recount and recanvass to all county boards if the unofficial returns prepared in accordance with subsection (f) reflect any of the following:

I will update this report with a more comprehensive follow up soon. But their entire plan must fail because none of the above applies if they missed the deadline. And they missed it by a mile. Same analysis works for the other two silver bullets.

But we only need one to win...assuming a fair court is trying to decide honestly. There is no possible legal argument that will withstand the silver bullets. The problem is that we are currently under attack by a judicial coup d'etat. All I can do is show you the truth of the law. If people are willing to be ruled by judicial anarchy and the tyranny of a cabal of soulless lawyers, do nothing to spread what you read here.

Their other contingency endgame is a sneak attack at the electoral college. This blog has already exposed one saboteur elector. More to follow. I hope folks will start taking me seriously now. I'm here to help.

Welcome to the judicial coup d'etat attempt to steal America. Time for intellectual ninjas to step up.

Ren Jander, J.D.


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    6. Wisconsin recount makes PA and MI irrelevant. Trump is actually gaining votes in Wisconsin.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I thought the issue was that she didn't have $1 million as a bond.

    1. She raised about 7 million. It wasnt about the money. This isnt about her at all. This is something quite interesting is it not. This is the praetorian guard all over usa holding line denying will of the people.

  4. Even though Pennsylvania is a major concern for the Trump camp, it seems as though Wisconsin is going well. Trump has added votes so far during this Wisconsin recount and the recount is on pace to finish by December 13th. At that point, it won't matter what happens in Pennsylvania.

    1. Meridian, this isn't about overturning three states to get enough electors to defeat Hillary. That's the dog-and-pony show of you. They already have a number of faithless electors who are ready to sabotage the vote their. This is about getting the remaining electors they need and nobody knows how many that is at this time

    2. Typo I didn't mean to say it was your dog and pony show, Meridian.

    3. You have evidence of these 'faithless electors' and when you see you are wrong and there may be 1 or 2 of them, will you calm down a bit? They are party loyalists, they know damned well to fall in line. If they don't, house basically has to choose Trump by law, otherwise if they choose Clinton, each and everyone who did that would be voted out in the next term. One thing we know is that when it comes down to it, politicians care about one thing, and one thing only -- their own jobs!

    4. I've seen the one "faithless elector" from Texas go on record in the New York Times. If the electoral college doesn't put Trump through on December 19th, all hell will break loose in this country. Those faithless electors better leave the country because their safety will be in jeopardy.

    5. And there is one in Washington - a democrat who won't pledge to Clinton. They just get replaced these days if they won't pledge. All hell won't break loose. the only State in question is Mich at this point. Almost zero chance of PA and Wisconsin to delay or flip.

    6. Their vote is largely a formality these days, they really don't vote, they pledge.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. If that's the case, congress will simply over ride those electors. Granted, this will serve to delegitimise Trump in the eyes of the leftists but for everyone else, it will just piss them off to the point that leftists will lose even more power in this country. If they want to have a civil war, that's their stupidity as the right will slaughter the leftists. Personally, I think the entire system is rigged and everything happening right now is exactly what 'they' want and our reactions - the same.

    9. Ill take it one step further -- if they do what you fear/suspect, it means there is NOTHING we can do about it -- they want that to happen and it would mean Trump is on it. Follow? You or I nor anyone can or will defeat this establishment if that is their intention.

    10. Cool, everything is rigged and there's nothing you can do about. So there's no need for you to be here where we clearly believe the opposite. Thanks for your amazing analysis. Bye.

  5. I can't imagine a scenario where a president-elect isn't verified by the electoral college, but knowing how hated Trump is by the globalists, I'm not too shocked at all of the shenanigans that we've seen thus far.

    1. He's not hated by them, he's one of them. There is a reason I know this. They only have us thinking otherwise. I'm a pro stock market guy, They wanted Trump, all I can tell you -- I know the Monday before the election he was going to win so yes, it was rigged, EVERY ELECTION is. Do you really think we have a say-so? That's an illusion.

    2. I felt strongly that Trump was going to win. I had been telling people that for months. But, I don't believe for one second that the globalists wanted him in there.

    3. That's because Scott is an idiot. One wonders why he is obsessed with hanging around a blog and commenting when in his own words, everything is rigged and there's nothing we can do.

      So what is there to worry about? Why isn't Scott off doing something else? Why is he here in a place where we do not believe everything is rigged and we very much believe there is something we can do? Why is he obsessed with convincing everyone to do nothing? For a man who claims there is nothing we can do, he sure seems concerned with stopping Jander.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. By the way, Scott, I am remembering every single one of your predictions. So keep on making them. That way, you can discredit yourself even faster.

    6. Scott:
      "Consider you might be a bit paranoid and over conspiratorial here -- which could be clouding your judgement. I voted for Trump, but there is no grand conspiracy here. Trump is as much establishment as Clinton -- just another part of it."
      More Scott:
      "so yes, it was rigged, EVERY ELECTION is. Do you really think we have a say-so? That's an illusion."
      I don't know either you or Jander, but you just cast Jander as being too conspiratorial for his concern that Clinton has lined up some corrupt judges to hand her the White House and then turned around and endorsed the ultimate conspiracy theory. Whether or not Jander has made a mistake about the 5-day completion language in the statute, your story doesn't add up either.

  6. Diogenes, spot on. I like the way you speak.

  7. @Frustrated you made one hell of a point there. Cmon, Scott give the man his due :)

    1. Ren, so much for appeal court for MI RECOUNT!!!
      It continuing!!


  8. Enough chit chat for. Im done fishing. Have it folks, my appearances in comments will be few. Play nice.

    1. There are people with agendas who are dispatched, whose sole goal is to demoralize, sow confusion and disinformation, and generally disrupt the opposition from crystallizing their focus.

      If this was my blog, I would ban Scott, not spend a second thinking about it, and continue with my work of exposing the truth. Whatever you do, however, do not let a subversive agent's actions influence yours in any way. These people take advantage of our freedoms to destroy them.

    2. Diogenes,

      I agree completely with your opinion.

      I understand that Ren is simply studying the documents and trying to discover the hidden agendas and tactics that the left is using against patriots.

      If we don't generate all possible strategy and tactics that Jill-Pill may use in court, or in the court of public opinion, we will not know how to combat her dangerous schemes quickly and effectively.

      Thank you Ren,


  9. follow to my chart I think you will find it interesting.

  10. it shows that Hillary riggers are forgetting to mark their choice for Senator since the difference between votes cast for senator and president is exactly the total of the new votes being shown on PA website. Original totals come from NYT live election results until they stopped counting PA with 99 percent of the vote in.

    McGinty 2,865,009
    Toomey 2,951,771
    Clifford 235,161
    Total Votes Cast 6,051,941

    Pres Votes Cast 6,114,316
    Senator Race (6,051,940)
    Difference 62,376

    Hillary Gains (42,534)
    Donald Gains (11,846)
    Total 62,376

    1. Wow. How Trump is not challenging this is insane. We have got to get this to him.

  12. Philadelphia Hilllary Donald
    Now 584,025 108,748
    Election Night (560,542) (105,418)
    23,483 3,330
    Alleghany Hilllary Donald
    Now 367,617 259,480
    Election Night (363,017) (257,488)
    4,600 1,992
    Montgomery Hilllary Donald
    Now 256,082 162,731
    Election Night (251,063) (160,803)
    5,019 1,928
    Bucks Hilllary Donald
    Now 167,060 164,361
    Election Night (165,861) (163,873)
    1,199 488
    Delaware Hilllary Donald
    Now 177,402 110,667
    Election Night (169,169) (106,559)
    8,233 4,108

    1. Unformated. Hard to follow what you have posted Chatty. What are these?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I meant for forging votes for Hillary and throwing in some for Donald to avoid detection. Under a forensic examination they will blame Donald for this anomaly when they have done it themselves.

    4. notification of replies to this - I think it really an important goop up on their part.

    5. you said forging for Donald or Hillary? The undervote has absolutely nothing to do with anything, and is a total misinformation campaign. In fact, Stein is abusing this undervote claim. We have to face the fact, that a lot of people just DID NOT want to vote for either of them, and that is fine. Hence the undervote. If that is what you are trying to say. I for sure do not vote all party straight ticket, and if I don't like either candidate, I leave it blank. In fact, you can go vote, and not fill in a cincle circle/vote if that is your wish.

    6. She's literally saying the exact opposite thing: that these new "voters" voted only for President and nobody else.

  13. Wisconsin update on Day 6 of the recount:

    23 of the 72 counties report that they have completed their recounts. Of those 23 counties, Trump picked up over 100 new votes, while Clinton lost 40 votes.

    Wisconsin will end up ensuring that Pennsylvania is a non factor in all of this.

    1. They are trying to recount Florida now too

    2. I saw that. I live in Alabama, next door to Florida. I used to live and vote in Palm Beach County, FL. Trump won Florida by around 120,000 votes.

  14. So . . . the judge in today's hearing didn't dismiss the PA recount he scheduled a full hearing for Friday? Not a good sign.

    1. Hi Frustrated,

      Actually, the Bush appointed judge may be running-out the clock on Marxist-Jill. By scheduling on Friday he ties Marxist-Jill's hands. She can't appeal or find a liberal activist judge to force a recount at zero-dark-thirty while her case is pending on a scheduled hearing.

      Besides, this is an article II issue. The federal court is supposed to allow the state court it's run all the way through the state's supreme court, before the federal courts act on a narrow Constitutional issue, like Due Process or Equal Protection.

      The Pennsylvania recount issue may die on Friday.

      We will see?


    2. How in the world, if a recount were permitted after the 9th, could it be certified in time? The states are suppose to have votes certified and submitted by Dec 13.

    3. I think a hearing is also used, because the GoP is also entitled to enter in any counter arguments. It would be unruly to not allow both sides to argue the suit. May just be formality. PA needs to certify what they have now. There is no reason for them to hold out on certifying their current finalized counts. That is what I am agrieved with. Not to mention, its irrerpible harm to others by not getting a certified count in due to a couple counties holding out. JUST MHO.

    4. i am pro trump and yes I know that they have to hit the circle but it is a statistical anomaly that the senate race would fall so low behind the prez. My chart is now useless since mysteriously the NYTimes is updating their numbers since they haven't touched them since Nov 9th. Trying to figure out the adds since the 99. percent of precincts reporting figure they handed out election night is like pinning jello to the wall. PA official numbers have never matched the NYTimes Number. I now believe they just make the damn numbers up both on Election Night and on the final tally in PA. No citizen can possibly reliability track the vote counts from the official numbers on State sites and supposedly trustworthy national media sites. It is all just made up numbers.

    5. and the country breakdowns on NYTimes and PA official have never matched either. The whole thing is completely bogus. Jill Stein will be able to nullify PA I am pretty sure. But WI looks good. Unfortunately Hitlery's Popular vote is going towards 2.75 millions.

    6. example if you go to the NYT map they say Philadelphia the larget vote block for Hillary had her at 560,542 with 99. percent of precints reporting. Today if you look at PA website they have Philadelphia completely counted and she now has 584,025. A difference of 23,483. In fact her gains county by county in her largest voting counties are much more than the statewide number is showing, her gains from election night with 99 per cent in are really around 43,531. But only around 30,000 are showing even decisionHQ is saying that the PA votes has been finalized. So .. I give up. A waste of time. They just fudge the numbers - like

    7. I think this good news actually . The thing will be heard on Friday , that s two days before certification. There no way they can be a state recount . Jill can't like other said ge anyone else.

    8. you know i hated it both times when obama got it elected but I just sucked it up and quit watching tv news entirely because of the gloating and bias. I didn't scream yell and have a meltdown. there was no recount mania, no court cases. and all this advice about how to act over the holidays. i went to holidays and put up with obama crap for years. the left is truly all about projection and vanity. they cannot imagine that we felt the same about obama and clintons that they feel about trump.

  15. VERY Important update.


    Appeals court rules Stein's recount unlawful. She is not aggrieved

    1. Good. Hopefully this is resolved sooner than later with a new ruling that will quash the previous order by Goldsmith.

    2. Its not over since the federal court is still - improperly involved without jurisdiction. Mark Mudgett is right, in order to go from state court to federal court, you have to go through state supreme court on a constitutional issue as in bush v gore. Judges are simply eating crap out of the lawsuits filed buy Jill Stein from State Court in the federal district court. None of this is real or legal or sanctioned in any way under law. This is a judicial breakdown

    3. This will take a legal analysis regardless. Basically Goldsmith usurping the power of the State Court is in play now. I do remember G's ruling had a Caveat that it should continue until told otherwise. This may be the "otherwise", but its still going to need to go back to the 6th Dist. ?

    4. Im telling you right now with absolute certainty, we are seeing a total collapse of the rule of statutory law. None of these cases are even remotely close and the arguments, briefs and jurisdictional defects are shocking. This is a political coup d'etat. The rules of procedure, ethical conduct, precedent, statutory construction, state ct/federal ct mutuality...all of it is being gutted to run down the clock to dec 12 safe harbor... See my next post. It will be righteously disrespectful and cloaked in authority.

      WHAT DO YOU THINK? I respect whst you are trying do here...


    6. in short. The Fed judge usurped the States Rights on how to elect their EC.

    7. Ren, here is what the 6th circuits court stated before the state court issue their hearing:

      The 6th Circuit, in affirming Goldsmith's order, said: "If subsequently, the Michigan courts determine the ... recount is improper under Michigan state law for any reason, we expect the district court to entertain any properly filed motions to dissolve or modify this order in this case."

    8. The 6th circuit 2-1 decision was not surprising, given that it was 2D and 1R appointed judge. The 1R judge dissent was blistering. If the Federal District Judge refuses to stop the recount at this point, the AG will then appeal to the entire 6th en banc. It will have to be en banc at this point.

    9. What is the Repub versus Dem makeup of the 6th en banc? If you know, thanks.

  16. This Info is interesting.
    oday's entry: Brian, with all of the recounts going on could the Electoral College vote be held up on the 19th if they're not settled and what would happen if that occurred?

    Bottom Line: While this seems complicated because of the difference in voting systems between the states, states laws and recount protocol. The Electoral College vote will be held on December 19th regardless of any unresolved recount efforts. The deadline that matters is also a federal deadline. It's December 13th. Every state must present it's slate of certified electors a week from today. Therefore any recount effort must be complete a week from today or one of two outcomes would occur but the results would be the same regardless...

    All states had already certified their votes, therefore the most likely outcome is that the certified electors would be presented based on the original certified vote.

    In the extraordinary event of a state not presenting certified electors a week from today, they wouldn't be counted on the 19th. Aside from the extraordinary, and near certain, backlash of voters literally having their certified state election not count due to recount shenanigans by the Green and Democrat parities...The result would still be the same.

    Not one, or two but all three of the states would have to have their certified elector's votes not presented for Trump for the outcome to not be decided in the Electoral College on the 19th. Even in that near implausible case, in which neither candidate would have 270 electoral votes, the outcome would be decided in Congress. The US House would decided the President and the US Senate would decide the Vice-President. Given that Republicans control both it'd still be the same outcome.

    The only way in which the outcome would be different is if all three recounts occurred to completion and reversed the results in favor of Hillary Clinton. There has never been even one state that's had it's certified votes reversed in a Presidential election recount - let alone three.
    Btw, at last word out of the Wisconsin recount the net result has been an increase of net votes for Trump thus far.

    If you have a topic or question you'd like me to address email me: brianmudd@iheartmedia.com

    Read more: http://wjno.iheart.com/onair/local-news-wire-55666/cheat-sheet-qa-what-are-the-15363111/#ixzz4S7cEKBfu

    1. MI has a certification, which would probably be submitted regardless, IMHO... even with the rulings of today. but don't quote me, because it would take a total breakdown of Judiciary to not get this finished

    2. from your mouth to God's ears

    3. I am no lawyer. Anything I write is of opinion. I should make sure nothing is wrongly interpreted. I've kept my ears on afew people at ground zero. I think many feel Stein escalating to the District 6 courts may be more harmful since she skipped the State. PA also, if you noticed. She has totally voided her State suit. I wouldnt think a Constitutional Lawyer would like that, so she went fishing for an Activist judge. She got it in MI, but it threw the State Court into a crux vs States Rights. The people may very well NOT want to foot the extra cost of it either, which was forced by the Fed. Remember also, MI, had their mandatory by law recount too. This is the 3rd.

    4. Yep all you say is reasonable BUT we are in Black Swan Water here. The courts are corrupt. The vote counting system is a total rat trap. Trump was NOT suppose to win. Every powerful person in Politics and Courts is having paybacks and favors called in. NSA blackmail, personal vendettas it is all going down behind the scenes like rats fighting on a sinking ship. God deliver us from this corrupt system to a new start.

    5. Chatty you are right. This is a very corrupt system right now. I will pray that the Goldsmith will recognize his errors and he has overstepped his boundaries!!! The Republican attorney filed motion tonight in the federal court. One of the Judge David Mackague did stated that Goldsmith has overstepped the boundary.

      This statement below from the disent give me hope:

      The 6th Circuit, in affirming Goldsmith's order, said: "If subsequently, the Michigan courts determine the ... recount is improper under Michigan state law for any reason, we expect the district court to entertain any properly filed motions to dissolve or modify this order in this case."

    6. That sounds encouraging. Although all the issues with the tampered with ballot boxes in Detroit and so forth are going to lend credence to Goldsmith's feelings of self righteousness I am sure.

    7. As for the MI State ruling tonight, I do think that the State, has shown that since Stein is not " Aggrieved ", then it may render her filing for a recount to the Federal level a moot topic, so in that sense, it should be dismissed. There was a caveat to count until told otherwise by the Judge. In short, the State of Michigan, now has a strong case to show that Stein has no reason for a recount. Again, this is where Hillary's camp should be sitting, but she won't due to what she said. Hillary is THE only person that could be in any shape aggrieved by todays definition. The Federal judge IMO went a bit rogue. The State can still stop this if they take it to the 6th, with their current ruling about agrievement. All assuming Stein doesn't change the argument, but still a State has a right to select its electoral process.

    8. Chatty,

      I think the 270 number drops by the EC number of the state if that state is AWOL from the electoral college. If MI, WI, and PA are AWOL, Trump is still elected by the EC.


  17. The ONLY chance these people have is two, as I see it:

    1) "Discovering" hacking on multiple machines. The timing on this has to be exquisite. They know the minute it happens, Trumps full attention will be focused on them and thus they must have him penned in immediately in multiple states. This tells me they need to "discover" hacking in multiple states, in multiple machines. Perhaps it hasn't been planted yet, and thus they need multiple people in each state getting access to the machines. It's possible they're waiting on a couple more people to get into position. If this is their course of action, they will strike quick. One "discovery" would be followed by "two", then three, etc.. Before Trump knew what hit him, he would be gang-sucker-punched.

    2) Find some way, through a combination of Faithless Electors, "found" votes, procedural judicial fiat, and anything else they can throw against the wall, to deny Trump the 270. They desperately wish to deny Trump legitimacy, but this is something bigger. The language coming from the Left is, quite frankly, bordering on treason or screaming fire in a crowded theater. Deliberately inciting fear, hatred, and conjuring up notions of the end of democracy is an incredibly dangerous thing to do. Tons of nutjobs actually believe they are seeing the rise of Hitler. A bunch call themselves the "resistance". Once Trump actually got in, he would establish law and order, but something about their current trendline does not suggest that at all. They speak as if we are heading for war.

    I just cannot see them being able to sell a Trump loss via procedural maneuvering. Suddenly they discover votes in each state for Hillary? Nobody would buy that. The only plays for them is to either deny Trump the certification of the states or fabricate evidence of hacking.

    This Orwellian new narrative is also disturbing and must be monitored with vigilance for signs. Terms such as "fake news", "Russian propaganda", Twitter mass bannings, European governments threatening US corps to stamp out "extremism" are all headed somewhere. They telegraph where they wish to head. It is NO COINCIDENCE that Jill Stein is specifically alleging hacking as her reason. It is NO COINCIDENCE that Hillary attempted to paint Trump as a Russian stooge, or that Obama had his executive agencies declaratively say that Russia hacked in this country. Or that the House just passed a law against "Russian propaganda" websites. LISTEN to the lying narrative they wish to paint.

    Put the pieces together, people. I hope I'm wrong. But literally the only play I see for them is to continue this narrative. Depict Trump as a Russian agent, and by extension, his entire movement. And how do you smear someone? You discover his treason. And not just one instance. Multiple, multiple instances. Russian hacking. An election stained, smeared, discredited. The "fake news" was a pre-emotive strike because they know something is coming and they wish to brand the last truth tellers as TRAITORS when that time comes. That's why censorship is escalating. That's why Twitter just said they're gonna ban Trump. Something is coming. I hope I'm wrong. I hope they fail. God save this country.

  18. I couldn't understand the Left's take on Russian Hackers until I watched this piece of leftist propaganda. Watch it and you will see what you wrote above is probably their plan. The other side would totally believe it and try Trump for Treason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OauLuWXD_RI

  19. Massive fraud found in Detroit, 50 ballots run through optic scanner 6 times and Dem votes being counted 6 times.

    Trump's presidency is America's only chance to stop the cities from stealing our country. I don't know why the GOP has been so lazy about fighting this. They should be allowed to have monitors with body-mounted cameras in place at every polling place. Ballots should be locked up in a building with locks that require both GOP and Dem rep to open them.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. The electoral college coup is my greatest concern now, also. I can't imgine they will garner enough support, but we will see. Can you clarify for me this: PA already certified their election, right? If these legal shenanigans are not completed on time will the certified vote be used -- or is it somehow nullified by the recount effort? Thanks for all the helpful information!

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